Boneyard SMS Coupon Codes

SMS Mobile Marketing Promotions - Register now for free tickets, T-Shirts and other Haunted House Discounts

Coupons sent to your Cell Phone

Email and Text Messaging Services

Boneyard Haunted House now offers a number of Free text messaging (SMS) and email services to help you Experience the FEAR!

  1. text "FEAR" to "313131" from your cell phone
  2. Your personal "Code Number" is sent to your phone
  3. Use your "Code Number" for discounts at the Boneyard

  4. It's that easy!

New for the 2009 Event Season - SMS text messaging discouts and coupons - text fear to 313131

SMS - receive discount coupon codes on your mobile handheld device

Please Note: At the Boneyard Haunted House, It is our policy to never release your email, phone number, or any other information. Your email address or cell phone # will only be used to send out notifications of upcoming events, special promotions & related news!

We thank you for your support.