"Fort Worth Paranormal"
Ghost Hunting Texas Style
Investigators spent the night in Haunted House

June 2011 - Arlington, Texas, Investigators from the Texas based group "Fort Worth Paranormal" Spent the night inside the Boneyard Haunted House. After spending the
afternoon setting up their night vision cameras, computer monitors and ghost hunting equipment. The crew returned to the Boneyard just before sunset to begin their ghost adventure.
Almost immediately the team started receiving signals on their ghost hunting equipment. Having broken up into several teams to cover the massive space that makes
up the Boneyard complex. The members were unaware of what was happing with each individual team. It would not be till the next morning when they could start
reviewing the evidence collected throughout the long night That they find out what happened.
What follow are the event reports from the lead investigators:
I had been asking for validation of the spirit’s presence and boy did I get it this time. This was the most overwhelming pain I had felt in all my years of being a professional paranormal investigator. Now, you have to remember, I am not easily not affected by pain, but this time was different. Suddenly, during this session, I was abruptly and forcefully kicked in the middle of my lower back! As soon as I turned around there was nothing or nobody there.

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As I walked through the hall way in the upstairs section I felt like someone was following me. But, that could be cause by feeling the darkness behind me. The real experience was when we got to the game room down stairs. I was standing behind the gate dividing the hunted house and the game room I felt a vibrant energy coming from the room. When we finally made it to the game room I started the walk form chair to chair because I had heard there was a orb that was seen on one of the chairs.
As I walked by the chairs I expanded my hand to see if i feel a energy from one of them. All the sudden I came cross a cold spot that was about 20 degrees lower then the rest of the room. I walked by it so fast that I had to stop and walk backwards to look to see if I felt it again. As soon as I felt the cold I felt the presence of a male. At this time another investigator was walking into the room that it must've scared the presence because it took off so fast as soon as they entered the room. I thought to me self, what if its the air condition? If the air condition blows cold it will continue to blow for a few minutes before it stops. The cold spot had it's own space in the air. I was not coming from any directions. Almost like it had its own will of direction.
When walking from the game room to the section of where people make a line to enter the hunted house you can feel almost like if there are few people suspended in the air watching you as you walk. I expanded my self emotionally to feel the room it almost felt like if they were breathing down my neck.
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As I travel up the flight of stairs to the second floor the darkness will overwhelm you. As I approach the massive open space on the second floor. I feel as if someone is watching me. However, my equipment is picking up no reading. As I go into the double doors I enter a long tall white hallway. I notice a lot of storage rooms and offices.
For some reason I’m drawn to check out the men’s restroom. I ask (is there anyone here?) after my review of my digital recorder I hear get out. Then I ask is there anyone who wishes to communicate with me? The response from my digital recorder was hell no. I later join our group down on the first floor party room area and witness a fellow team member get hit in the back as well as a mini mag-light flashlight start to strobe on and of in response to questions we asked.